Sabtu, 06 Agustus 2016

Professional Development Scholarships


2015 Professional Development Scholarships

Regional English Language Office Jakarta in cooperation with
the Teachers of English as  Foreign Language in Indonesia (TEFLIN) Association

Professional Development Scholarships support attendance at the 2015 TEFLIN conference for motivated and talented teachers of English who wish to learn more about the craft of teaching and who have the potential to be future leaders in their communities. The scholarships aim to make the TEFLIN conference more enriching and accessible to a wider group of professionals.

·         Classroom teachers of English as a foreign language at the primary or secondary school level
·         University students enrolled in a program related to English language teaching
·         First time attendee at a TEFLIN Conference
·         Citizen and resident of Indonesia with permission from the principal or department chair to attend the 2015 TEFLIN Conference, September 14-16 in Denpasar
·         Demonstration of commitment to excellence in teaching, professional growth, and collaboration with fellow educators
·         Leadership service to the profession and community
·         Innovation, enthusiasm, creativity, inspiration, and compassion as an educator
Nomination Process
Professional Development Scholarships are available through nominations from English Language Fellows, Fulbright English Teaching Assistants, and Peace Corps Volunteers working with Indonesian teachers of English in schools and universities. Please work with the teacher you would like to nominate to complete the nomination form on the following page and submit the completed forms to
Nomination Deadline
Nominations must be received by June 1, 2015. Late nominations will not be considered.
In 2015, RELO will award 10-12 scholarships which include a waiver from TEFLIN covering conference registration as well as a travel grant to cover transportation, accommodation, and meals during the conference. Award winners will also receive a certificate of recognition.
Upon return from the TEFLIN conference, scholarship recipients are required to share their learning in a discussion, roundtable, or presentation at their home institution through a replica workshop. Instructions and guidelines will be provided by Regional English Language Office (RELO), U.S. Embassy Jakarta.

2015 Professional Development Scholarship Nomination

Regional English Language Office Indonesia

Nominee Information

Hendra, M.Pd

School or Institution
Madrasah Aliyah Negri Leuwiliang Bogor
Jalan raya leuwiliang sadeng Km 4  sibanteng bogor west java

Check one:

Primary school teacher
X Secondary school teacher
University student

Please indicate Yes (Y) or No (N) for the following questions:

Y     I am a citizen and reside in Indonesia.

Y     I have never attended the TEFLIN Conference.

Y     I have permission from my supervisor/department chair to attend TEFLIN 2015, September 14-16.

Statement from the Nominee: How will attending TEFLIN 2015 further your professional development? How will your attendance impact your English language teaching community?   (250-300 words).

This is a great chance for me to improve my knowledge and skills in teaching English as a foreign language. I have been teaching English for 14 years in my school namely MAN Leuwiliang, (state school for ministry of religious affairs) in Bogor, West Java. I am really fond of teaching English because it opens my mind to the world and I realize it is not so small. We can hold the world in our hands, if we can communicate using English. We become like a community; sharing our cultures and customs with our friends from different countries.

My school has almost one thousand students and it has 44 teachers. Luckily for the past two years, our school has had Miss. Emani Heers, a volunteer from the Peace Corps. I have so appreciated her efforts to help us develop English skills. I have experienced new methods of communication as well as understanding the culture of America. I am amazed at how strongly our students are motivated by our co-teaching sessions. I can give our students a more colorful atmosphere with activities and games.

By attending the TEFLIN 2015 conference, I hope that I will get much enlightenment concerning teaching English as a foreign language in Indonesia. I have dreams for my school’s English speaking community. Unfortunately, we do not have many opportunities for English Teaching method workshops in my area. I want to develop a strong KKM ( Work group of English teachers), which consists of 28 schools in Bogor and it will be  beneficial for teachers under the Ministry of religious affairs. With this KKM, English teachers can share lesson plans, successes and challenges. The TEFLIN conference will give me the resources I need to develop such programs to achieve my community’s goals.

I certify that all the information in this nomination is true and accurate. 


Nominator Information

Emani C. Heers

School or Institution
Madrasah Aliyah Negri Leuwiliang
Affiliation (ELF, ETA, PCV)


From the Nominator: Please describe the characteristics of this teacher that makes him/her exceptional and sets him/her apart from other professionals teaching English (250-300 words). Keep in mind the criteria listed in the guidelines. If applicable, please include this person’s contributions (or potential contributions) to the community of teachers in his/her hometown, including activities, interests, and experiences that enhance the nominee’s effectiveness as a teacher. Please also comment on how you believe this teacher would benefit from attending TEFLIN.

Bapak Hendra is one of a kind. The first day I met him, he greeted me smiling from ear to ear with so much enthusiasm for the Peace Corps and appreciation for my service. I could see that early on, his kindness, humility and passion for English teaching was real.

He commands the classroom. The students are alert when he enters, inspired when he begins his lessons with a quote and motivated by his creative activities. I am often transfixed myself and at times challenged by ways to add on to his energetic lesson plans. I’ll never forget our lesson on Narrative text when he began the lesson by drawing ships and lions in caves on the board, while using the student’s names and famous places in Bogor to create an elaborate tale about a hidden kingdom. He moves around the classroom, weaving riddles and jokes into the lessons to keep everyone engaged. It is a fun teaching environment to say the least.

He is also well respected amongst his colleagues. He studied in both Ponorogo, East Java and Bandung West Java, has taught at Pekanbaru Riau in Sumatra, Bogor and Depok, West Java. He also currently teaches English at a local University in Bogor, while running a preschool in his neighborhood. Pak Hendra and I are frequently invited by Peace Corps training staff to present on topics of English teaching methods to over 60 trainees. They value his spirit and energy. Not only is he smart, open minded and highly motivated, but a diplomat as well. He has been a key cultural liaison in my integration into Sundanese culture.

Bapak Hendra is ideal for this TEFLIN conference. He has all the drive to expand English Teaching in our Bogor community. TEFLIN will give him the knowledge to create the workshops for teachers, Clubs for students and renew the love of learning and teaching in Indonesia.


Thank you for nominating a teacher for the Professional Development Scholarship! Please email the completed nomination form to by June 1, 2015.

Regional English Language Office

Jennifer Uhler                                       Dian Safitri                                            Ayunda Siagian
RELO Officer                                        RELO Assistant                                     RELO Assistant
+62 21-3435-9528                                  +62 21-3435-9533                                  +62 21-3435-9540

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