Minggu, 07 Agustus 2016



Stories are not only some thing that entertains children, but also educate as well as give them their cultural abilty.
In story telling, according Musthafa (2003:10), we must be based on these assumptions:
  1. Children’s ability to grasp meaning
  2. Children’s creative use of limited langauge resources
  3. Children’s capacity for indirect learning
  4. Children’s instinct for fun and play
  5. The role of imagination

Stories are useful for children, since they are motivating and fun for children, they create a desire in children to continue learning. They exercise the imagination helping children develop their own creative powers. They help children to link fantasy with the real world.

Telling stories builds confidance and encourages social and emotional development.
  1. Children enjoy repeated listening stories. This encourages langauage acquisition.
  2. Stories provide a meaningful context for the introduction of new lanaguage.
  3. Listening to stories develops listening, comprehension and concentration skills.
  4. Stories create opportunities for continuity in children’s learning.
In storytelling, we also should pay attention to before, during, and after reading stories.

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