Selasa, 11 April 2017



                   Presented by Lia Herawaty, M.Pd. (PPPPTK Bahasa)

A.          Tujuan

Anda mampu meningkatkan penguasaan materi, struktur, konsep, dan pola pikir keilmuan yang mendukung mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang diampu.

B.          Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

1.    1. Menentukan gambaran umum teks tertulis fungsional berbentuk analytical exposition.

1.    2. Menentukan informasi rinci tersurat teks tertulis fungsional berbentuk analytical exposition.

1.    3. Menentukan informasi tertentu teks tertulis fungsional berbentuk analytical exposition.

1.    4. Menentukan informasi tersirat teks tertulis berbentuk analytical exposition.

1.    5. Menentukan makna kata teks tertulis fungsional berbentuk analytical exposition.

1.    6. Menentukan fungsi sosial teks tertulis berbentuk analytical exposition.

1.    7. Menentukan coherency dan cohesiveness teks tertulis berbentuk analytical exposition.

1.    8. Menentukan cara pengajaran teks tertulis fungsional berbentuk analytical exposition.

C. Uraian Materi

Analytical Exposition adalah jenis teks yang termasuk ke dalam jenis Argumentation Text, berisi tentang pemikiran terperinci penulis tentang sebuah penomena yang ada di sekitar.

Analytical Exposition Text merupakan jenis teks yang banyak kita jumpai dalam bacaan sehari-hari walaupun tidak semua orang tahu bahwa yang kita baca itu sebenarnya adalah jenis teks ini. Analytical exposition text merupakan jenis teks yang berisikan pendapat-pendapat mengenai sesuatu baik benda, tempat, atau kejadian.

1. Fungsi Sosial Teks

The social function of analytical exposition text is to persuade the reader or the listener that something is the case.

Fungsi sosial analytical teks adalah untuk menyajikan kepada pembaca agar yakin pada sebuah topik yang penting untuk dibahas atau mendapat perhatian dengan cara pemberian argumen-argumen atau pendapat-pendapat yang mendukung ide pokok atau topik tersebut.

2.   Struktur Teks Analytical Exposition

Dalam membuat sebuah analytical exposition text, terdapat beberapa hal yang mesti diperhatikan seperti thesis, arguments, dan penutup. Pada pembuatan thesis yang berisi tentang topik permasalahan yang akan diangkat, yang selanjutnya diperkaya dengan argumen-argumen atau pendapat-pendapat yang mendukung. Sedangkan pada penutup di isi dengan kesimpulan.

Generic Structure teks Analytical Exposition terdiri dari tiga bagian yaitu:

a. Thesis

Dalam bagian Thesis, penulis mengenalkan tentang topik atau main idea yang akan dibahas. Thesis selalu berada di paragraph pertama dalam teks Analytical Exposition.

b. Argumen

Topik yang dibahas oleh penulis adalah topik yang sangat penting atau perlu perhatian. Dalam bagian ini penulis menghadirkan argumen-argumen atau pendapat-pendapat yang mendukung main idea penulis, biasanya dalam sebuah teks Analytical Exposition terdapat lebih dari dua argumen. Semakin banyak argumen yang ditampilkan semakin percayapembaca bahwa topik yang dibahas oleh penulis adalah topik yang sangat penting atau membutuhkan perhatian.

c. Reiteration

Bagian ini merupakan bagian penutup dari sebuah teks Analytical Exposition yang selalu terletak di akhir paragraph. Reiteration berisi penulisan kembali atau penempatan kembali main idea yang terdapat di paragraph pertama. Reiteration juga biasa disebut dengan conclusion. Bagian ini ini selalu terletak di akhir paragraf.

Berikut Anda bisa membaca contoh jenis teks analytical exposition.

Learning a foreign language is an investment for the future that can produce many benefits whether it is for one’s career, travel adventures or personal growth. Learning a foreign language can take many months of dedication, however the venture will more than likely open the door to many opportunities. Learning a foreign language takes time, patience and sometimes money. Nevertheless, French, Arabic and Mandarin Chinese,

among many others, are all languages that can provide great improvement to career, travel or intellect.

Firstly, learning a foreign language can be advancement in our career. The 21st century trend in progress is globalization, and with improvement in technology that provides the ability to communicate with anyone, anywhere, more and more companies are working internationally. Employers will be looking for a valuable employee, one that can correspond with an international partner, investor, customer, etc. The fact that one is fluent in a foreign language will give an edge on their resume, which can make a stand out applicant. In other words, many companies will actually increase pay for those who can speak a foreign language and have used their skill towards increasing career performance.

Secondly, learning foreign language can also enhance travel experience. Always dreamed of going to China, Egypt, Italy or Croatia? A dream vacation can be even better if one knows the language of the locals. By knowing the language of the land, one can increase their travel experience by being able to explore freely. An individual who is fluent in a specific foreign language is able to speak to the local people, shop, dine and respectfully enjoy a foreign land.

Thirdly is, it can expand our intellect. Learning a language can be ultimately good for the mind. Through engaging in a foreign language, one is able to increase vocabulary, pushing the brain to its fullest capacity. Learning a foreign language also exercises the memory. Learning a foreign language can help to increase mental power by being able to speak and think in another language.

Again, learning a foreign language is an investment of time and money, depending on the route chosen. However, the benefits of learning a foreign language are superior and can improve many aspects of a person's life greatly. Whether it is for a career opportunity, a dream vacation or personal growth, a foreign language is a fantastic asset.


Teks exposition bertujuan untuk menyajikan pendapat, ide, pandangan, atau argumen penulis atau pembicara akan suatu perkara atau topik, permasalahan, atau fenomena tertentu. Teks exposition terdiri dari dua jenis yaitu analytical exposition dan hortatory exposition. Namun yang akan dibahas detil pada kegiatan pembelajaran ini adalah hortatory exposition.

a. Definisi

Hortatory Exposition menurut Gerot,  L & Wignell, P (1995) adalah

“A text which has a purpose to persuade the reader or listener that something should or should not be the case”.

Hal ini berarti bahwa teks hortatory exposition adalah teks yang digunakan oleh penulis atau penutur untuk meyakinkan atau membujuk pembaca atau pendengar untuk melakukan sesuatu atau tidak melakukan sesuatu sesuai dengan saran atau rekomendasinya.

b.   Tujuan komunikatif

Hortatory exposition memiliki tujuan komunikatif : mempengaruhi pembaca atau pendengar agar menyetujui dan atau menerima pendapat yang disajikan oleh penulis.

c.   Struktur teks

Struktur teks hortatory exposition paling sedikit terdiri dari tiga paragraph yaitu :


Thesis adalah pernyataan pendapat penulis akan suatu kasus atau fenomena tertentu. Thesis ini bisa disebut juga isu atau hal yang dipersoalkan. Isu atau thesis bisa kita dapatkan dari realita atau fenomena yang kita hadapi sehari haribaik berupa fenomena alam atau sosial. Fenomena yang terjadi biasanya menimbulkan masalah sehingga memunculkan pendapat atau opini tertentu yang kemudian di sajikan dalam bentuk tulisan teks yang berisi tentang sebuah pendapat terhadap isu tertentu yang kemudian disajikan secara persuasif dengan harapan pembaca atau pendengar setuju atau sependapat dengan penulis.


Dalam argument ini penulis menyajikan alasan mengapa ada perhatian atau keprihatinan terhadap suatu isu atas sebuah fenomena. Dalam argumennya penulis harus menyajikan alasan alasan yang didukung oleh fakta fakta dan bukti bukti yang cukup yang bisa meyakinkan pembaca atau pendengar dan selanjutnya bisa mempengaruhi pembaca atau pendengar untuk setuju atu sependapat dengan penulis dan menerima saran yang disajikan oleh penulis.


Dalam paragraph ini penulis menyajikan pernyataan tentang saran atau ajakan bagaimana seharusnya atau tidak seharusnya sesuatu itu ada atau dilakukan. Fungsi dari recommendation ini adalah untuk memperkuat pendapat penulis dengan cara mempengaruhi perasaan pembaca atau pendengar dan mengarahkan mereka untuk menyetujui atau mengikuti saran dari penulis.
More dust bin will be cleaner

To improve comfort and cleanliness at the school, there should be an increasing number of dust bins.

When we look at classroom, school corridors and schoolyard, there papers, mineral water cops, straws, and napkin everywhere. The condition of unseemliness really hinders learning and teaching environment. They can be filled out with water coming from the rain. This can be placed for mosquito to spread out.

Anyway I notice that most of the students have responsibilities for their school environment. They put their litter on the proper place but some of them are not diligent enough to find the dust bins. The numbers of the dust bins in the school are not enough. More dust bins should be put beside each step, outside of the classrooms and some along of the corridors. Probably one dust bin should be in every ten meters. So when students want to throw away their litters, they can find the dust bins easily.

When school is equipped with sufficient dust bins, students do not have problem of discomfort any more. So provide more dust bins and school will be very clean and become a very nice place to study.

(source: Djuharie, Otong Setiawan.2009.Essay Writing Book 3.Yrama Widya Bandung.)

 Cara mengajarkan teks hortatory exposition pada peserta didik

Pada kurikulum 2013 materi ajar hortatory eksposition diajarkan pada semester dua peminatan. Peserta didik sudah memiliki pengetahuan tentang analytical exposition pada silabus materi wajib. Oleh karena itu peserta didik yang menempuh mata pelajaran peminatan kelas XI dan akan mempelajari materi ajar hortatory exposition diharapkan telah memiliki dasar pengetahuan menyampaikan pendapat beserta argumentasinya. Pada pembelajaran hortatory exposition pendidik diharapkan mengajarkan teks tersebut secara lengkap dengan tujuan komunikatif, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaannya. Pendekatan pembelajaran yang digunakan tentu saja menggunakan pendekatan saintifik dengan model pembelajaran yang disesuaikan dengan karakteristik peserta didik. Langkah langkah pembelajaran dengan menggunakan pendekatan saintifik adalah:


Pada langkah pembelajaran mengamati pendidik bisa meminta peserta didik mengamati gambar atau video tersaji tentang isu-isu yang menjadi perhatian. Isu-isu yang disajikan bisa tentang isu sosial ataupun isu tentang fenomena alam. Sebelum gambar atau tayangan video disajikan peserta didik diberi beberapa pertanyaan yang mengarahkan peserta didik tentang hal-hal yang harus diamati. Setelah peserta didik mengamati gambar atau tayangan video tentang isu tertentu, selanjutnya peserta didik menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan awal. Pertanyaan awal inilah yang akan mengarahkan peserta didik mengetahui tujuan pembelajaran tentang hortatory exposition. Selanjutnya pendidik bisa menyajikan sebuah teks hortatory lengkap dengan petunjuk tentang tujuan komunikatif, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaannya. Contoh pertanyaan awal:

     What is the video about?

     What do you think about the video content?

     What happened to the people in the video?

     Why do you think the Phenomenon happens?

     What do think the people should do in order the phenomenon does not happen?


Pada tahap menanya pendidik memberi kesempatan peserta didik atau merangsang peserta didik mengajukan pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan teks tersaji. Pertanyaan bisa berupa kata-kata sulit dalam teks dan hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan tujuan komunikatif struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan teks tersaji. Pada tahap ini pendidik bisa mendiskusikan jawaban dengan peserta didik atau bisa menjawabnya langsung. Jawaban yang diberikan mengarah pada target pembelajaran sesuai dengan teks hortatory exposition.

Mengumpulkan informasi

Pada tahap ini pendidik meminta peserta didik untuk membentuk kelompok dan mengumpulkan informasi tentang hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan teks hortatory exposition. Pendidik dapat membantu siswa dengan menyajikan teks lain dengan jenis yang sama.sehingga siswa mendapatkan informasi yang lebih banyak tentang tujuan komunikatif, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks hortatory exposition. Selain itu pendidik menyajikan pertanyaan-pertanyaan sehingga peserta didik memiliki acuan dalam tugasnya untuk mengumpulkan informasi. Pertanyaan yang diberikan adalah pertanyaan yang mengarah pada penemuan tentang tujuan komunikatif, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan teks hortatory exposition.

Contoh :

        Read the other text you have!

        Answer the following questions!

1. What is the text about?

2. What is the main idea of paragraph one?

3. What the main idea of paragraph two?

4. What is the main idea of paragraph three?

5. What do you call paragraph one?

6. What do you call paragraph two?

7. What do you call paragraph three?

8. What tenses cover the text?

9. Mention abstract noun from the text!

10. Do you find passive voice sentence in the text? Write one!


Pada tahap ini peserta didik akan membandingkan berbagai text hortatory exposition secara berkelompok. Peserta didik menggunakan acuan pertanyaan-pertanyaan pada tahap mengumpulkan informasi sebagai dasar untuk menganalisa tujuan komunikatif teks, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan teks hortatory exposition. Setelah berdiskusi dengan kelompoknya masing masing peserta didik diharapkan untuk menyampaikan hasil diskusinya di kelas. Pendidik memberikan arahan sehingga peserta didik mencapai sebuah kesimpulan yang memenuhi target pembelajaran tentang hortatory exposition.


Pada tahap ini peserta didik menyusun teks lisan atau tulis hortatory exposition berdasarkan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan yang sudah mereka pelajari. Pendidik bisa menyajikan topik tertentu untuk dipilih atau menyerahkan pilihan topik kepada peserta didik dengan syarat dikonsultasikan pada pendidik terlebih dahulu sebelum disusun dalam bentuk teks yang dimaksud.

Contoh topik yang bisa disajikan pada siswa:

        More dust bin to improve cleanliness at school.

        Be aware of diet to avoid heart attack.

        Stop smoking to avoid lung cancer.

Pendidik dapat meminta peserta didik untuk mengumpulkan hasil karya berbentuk tulisan dan juga mempresentasikannya di depan kelas.

3.  Penilaian pada pembelajaran teks hortatory exposition

Penilaian pada pembelajaran teks ini adalah penilaian sikap dengan teknik observasi pada saat diskusi, penilaian diri dan atau penilaian antar teman. Penilaian pengetahuan dengan tes tulis dengan serangkaian pertanyaan pada tahap mengumpulkan informasi dan mengasosiasi. Penilaian ketrampilan dilakukan pada tahap mengomunikasikan yaitu penilaian portofolio dan unjuk kerja. Secara detil materi tentang penilaian akan disajikan pada halaman selanjutnya.


A.    Tujuan
Peserta dapat menguasai bahasa Inggris lisan dan tulisan, reseptif dan produktif  dalam segala aspek komunikatifnya .

B.    Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi
1.       Menentukan gambaran umum teks tertulis berbentuk News Item. (tujuan;fungsi sosial; & gagasan utama)
2.       Menentukan informasi tertentu teks tertulis berbentuk News Item..
3.       Menentukan informasi rinci tersurat teks tertulis berbentuk News Item.
4.       Menentukan makna kata teks tertulis berbentuk News Item.
5.       Menentukan coherency dan cohesiveness teks News Item.
6.       Menentukan cara pengajaran teks News Item.

C.       Uraian Materi
Bacalah materi berikut dengan seksama, dan awalilah dengan berdoa.

Gambaran Umum Teks News Item
Gambaran umum teks News Item adalah isi teks secara umum atau keseluruhan. Bila teks tersebut telah diberi judul, maka judul tersebut merupakan gambaran umum isi teks.

Informasi Tertentu Teks News Item
Informasi tertentu teks News Item adalah informasi yang tertulis di dalam teks. Pertanyaan jenis ini dapat dijawab dengan cepat dengan cara sebagai berikut:
a.   temukan kata kunci yang ada di dalam pertanyaan
b.   carilah kata yang sama atau bermakna sama yang ada pada teks.

Informasi Rinci Tersirat teks News Item
Informasi rinci tersirat adalah informasi yang tertera atau terdapat di dalam teks, namun untuk mencarinya kita harus membaca teks secara seksama dikarenakan informasi ini biasanya ada di beberapa bagian dan kita harus mengumpulkan serta mencari benang merah di antara berbagai informasi tersebut.

Pikiran Utama Paragraf teks News Item
Pikiran utama paragraph adalah isi dari paragraf tertentu. Ini dapat diperoleh melalui kalimat utama.
Pesan Moral
Pesan moral adalah nilai-nilai moral atau pelajaran apa yang didapat dari suatu teks News Item. Pemahaman akan nilai moral suatu teks dapat diperoleh dari kalimat-kalimat yang digunakan dalam teks dan biasanya kalimat-kalimat itu menunjukkan perbuatan-perbuatan yang patut diteladani.
Makna Kata
Makna kata adalah maksud yang terkandung suatu kata atau kalimat. Pemahaman akan makna kata/frasa dapat diperoleh dari konteks kalimat dalam teks di mana kata/frasa itu ada.
Kohesi dalam wacana diartikan sebagai kepaduan bentuk secara structural membentuk ikatan sintaktikal. Anton M. Moelino ( 1988:34)  menyatakan bahwa wacana yang baik dan utuh mensyaratkan kalimat-kalimat yang kohesif.
Konsep kohesif sebenarnya mengacu kepada hubungan bentuk. Artinya
unsur-unsur wacana (kata atau kalimat) yang digunakan untuk menyusun suatu wacana memiliki keterkaitan secara padu dan utuh. Menurut Anton M. Moelino, dkk ( 1987:96) untuk memperoleh wacana yang baik dan utuh, maka kalimat-kalimatnya harus kohesif. Hanya dengan hubungan kohesif seperti itulah suatu unsur dalam wacana dapat di interpretasikan, sesuai dengan ketergantungannya dengan unsur-unsur lainnya.

Berikut adalah komponen kohesi/ cohesive device:
1.    Logical Device
(a) Addition
-     again, equally, in fact
-     also,  furthermore,  moreover
-     and, in addition (to...) too
-     and then, indeed, what is more
-     besides
Contoh dalam kalimat:
-     The house faces north, so it never gets the sun. Also, it is rather damp.
-     The children do not like one another.Moreover, they often quarrelamd start to fight
-     She hardly ever goes to the theatre. In fact, she has not been for months.
(b) Comparison
-     compared with
-      in the same way
-     similarly
-     in comparison with
-      likewise
Contoh dalam kalimat:
-     I used to work fifteen hours a day. In comparison with that, my present job is more like holiday!
-     The doctor advised him to give up smoking. Similarly, he recommended him to eat much less and take plenty of exercise.
(c) Contrast and concession*
-     besides, naturally, still
-     but, nevertheless, whereas
-     however, of course, while
-     in contrast, on the contrary, yet
-     instead, on the other hand
Contoh dalam kalimat:
-     He did not show anyone the papers. Instead, as soon as he got a chance, he burnt them.
-     She is not as pretty as she used to be. Nevertheless, she is still a very attractive girl.
(d) Enumeration
-     first(ly) (second(ly)
-      last, on top of (that)
-     finally, next to (begin with)
-     in the (first) place, more important, then

Contoh dalam kalimat:
-     His job involves a number of things. First, he is responsible for general administration in the office. Secondly, he has to look after the financial side of the business... Finally, he has been asked to build up outside contacts.
-     There were several good reasons for changing the plan. To begin with, it involved a lot of money. On top of that,it needed too many people.
(e) Exemplification
-     as (evidence of...) such as
-     for example, thus
-     for instance,  to show what (I mean)
-     let us (take the case of...)
Contoh dalam kalimat:
-     Most countries do not grow enough food for their needs. Let us take the case of the United Kingdom.
-     Most people are superstitious in some way. Thus, a lot of people believe that the number 13 is unlucky...
(f) Inference
-     If not,... otherwise, then
-     In (that) case that, implies
Contoh dalam kalimat:
-     He left the country the same day. In that case, he must have had his passport with him.
-     You must get some more petrol. Otherwise, we will not have enough to get us to the next town.
(g) Summary
-     in all, in short, on the whole
-     in brief, in conclusion, to sum up
Contoh dalam kalimat:
-     She spends a lot of money on clothes. She is also fond of buying expensive jewellery. In short, she is extremely extravagant.
-     The car is not new but it is in good condition. The price too is very reasonable. On the whole, I think it is quite a good bargain.

(h) Time
-     after (a while), before (that time), since (then)
-     afterwards, finally, so far
-     at first, in the end, then
-     at last, meanwhile, (up to) then
-     at (the same time) next
Contoh dalam kalimat:
-     He tried to open one of the small windows. At first it remained firmly closed but, in the end, after a great deal of effort, he managed to open it a few inches.
-     ... and the fire has finally been brought under control. Several men are still missing. Meanwhile the causes of the explosion are still being investigated.
(i) Result
-     accordingly,  for that reason, then
-     as a result, hence, therefore
-     consequently,  the (consequence) of that is...,  thus
Contoh dalam kalimat:
-     Most people were opposes to the scheme on the grounds that it was too expensive. Accordingly, it is now being re-examined to see if costs can be reduced.
-     Seven inches of snow fell during the night, blocking most main roads. As a result, traffic conditions have been chaotic.
-     In the past, no one has taken his advice very seriously. Hence, it is very probable that he will not be inclined to help on this occasion.
(j) Reformulation
-     in other words, that is (to say)
-     rather,  to put it more (simply)
Contoh dalam kalimat:
-     Towards the end of the party he got up and danced on the table. In other words, he made a complete fool of himself.
-     Most people felt that the project was not worthwhile in proportion to the amount of time it would take to complete it and equally the financial expenditure involved. To put it more simply, it was a waste of time and money.
(k) Replacement
-     Again,  (better) still, the alternative is...
-     Alternatively, on the other hand
     Contoh dalam kalimat:
-     It is very likely that we shall go by car, even though it is a long drive, because we shall need some means of transport while we are there. Alternatively, we might fly out and hire a car when we arrive.
-     If things get any worse, we might have to arrange apublic meeting to discuss the matter. Better still, we could even organise a demonstration.
(l) Transition
-     As far as... is concerned now
-     As for... to turn to...
-     Incidentally with (reference) to...
Contoh dalam kalimat:
-     We can leave most of the details of the proposal until the next meeting. Now, as far as money is concerned, this needs careful consideration.
-     In the end, he decided to sell his car. This, incidentally, proved to be a mistake.

Grammatical and Lexical Linking Device
(a) Use of pronominal forms to replace noun phrases
-       Napoleon was a great soldier. He was also a great administrator.
-       John bought a new car. It cost a lot of money, but it goes a lot better than his old one.
-       John and Mary are going on holiday to brazil. Their friends are very envious.
-       He decided to take some heavy shoes with him. He thought that these would be useful in case he went walking.

(b) Use of pronominal forms to replace adverbials (noun phrases of time and place)
-       He left the following day. He knew then that he was not coming back.
-       We called on them soon after breakfast.. We should have realised that this was a bad time for a visit.* (* Noun phrases are also used as replacives. For example: John was born just before the war. At that time his parents lived in London)
-       I decided to take my books back to the library. When I got there, I found it was closed.
(c) Use of pronominal forms to replace clauses or sentences.
-       Some students work all night just before an exam. This is a great mistake.
-       John has just resigned. It was quite unexpected.
(d) Use of determiners (the, this, that, etc.) to refer back to a previous noun     
-       Thieves broke into a jeweller’s shop in North Street last night. The thieves entered the shop through a small back window.
-       I bought a pocket calculator last year. That calculator has proved very useful.
-       Former and latter are used to refer back to one of two previous noun phrases.
 (e) Repetition of key words
These particular train services are not used very much by commuters. As a rule, commuters tend to travel much earlier.
 (f) Use of synonyms to avoid repetition
-     These cars were first made in 1972. When they were first produced, they were not very popular.
-     If you have any thoughts onthe subject,please let me know. I shall be interested to hear your ideas.
 (g) Use of a construction implying whole part or part-whole relationship
-     You will need to take some tools with you. You can get a hammer, a saw and a screwdriver from most big department stores.
-     Large cars and lorries are not advised to use this route. These vehicles should take the other road.
 (h) Use of related word forms
Seven people have been arrested so far. The arrests were made late last night.
 (i) Use of parallel structures
It is possible that the plan will succeed. It is equally possible that it will fail.

Koherensi adalah pengaturan secara rapi kenyataan dan gagasan, fakta dan ide menjadi suatu untaian yang logis sehingga mudah memahami pesan yang dikandungnya (Wohl, 1978 : 25). Koherensi merupakan keterkaitan antara bagian yang satu dengan bagian yang lainnya sehingga kalimat tersebut mempunyai kesatuan makna yang utuh.

Contoh paragraf dengan koherensi lemah:
Dhaka (The Jakarta Post):
A Malaysian aid ship was heading to a Bangladeshi port Monday bringing relief goods for some of the hundreds of thousands of Rohingya Muslims who've fled Myanmar. The conflict has been simmering for years but there are worrying signs that it is escalating into an armed insurgency, according to a recent report by the International Crisis Group.
Contoh paragraf yang koheren:
Life goes on as usual for residents in some parts of Kampung Melayu in East Jakarta, despite the floods that hit the area from Friday evening until Monday afternoon. Areas inundated by flood waters include those in the RW04 and RW05 community units.On Monday, people continued their activities, even though they had to walk through the inundated roads of the neighborhood.
Dapat anda lihat perbedaan antara paragraf pertama dengan paragraf yang kedua. Ide dan gagasan – gagasan pada paragraf yang pertama terkesan meloncat – loncat. Pada kalimat pertama, penulis mennuliskan tentang Kapal penyelamat Malaysia menuju pelabuhan Bangladesh pada hari Senin sambil membawa barang-barang untuk ratusan ribu Muslim Rohingya yang meninggalkan Myanmar namun tiba – tiba membicarakan konflik yang telah terjadi beberapa tahun Selanjutnya pada kalimat terakhir, penulis membicarakan kelompok penanggulangan krisis International. Tidak nampak korelasi antar kalimat pada paragraf pertama.
Pada paragraf kedua, penulis membicarakan tentang kehidupan penduduk Kampung Melayu di Jakarta Timur yang berjalan seperti biasa meskipun banjir melanda mulai hari Jumat sampai Senin. Kemudian penulis menambahkan informasi bahwa banjir juga melanda RW di sekitarnya dan orang-orang tetap melanjutkan aktivitasnya meskipun harus berjalan melewati jalan yang terkena banjir. Jadi ada kesinambungan makna dari kalimat yang satu dengan kalimat berikutnya pada paragraph tersebut.

News Item Teks

Definition of News Item teks
·      News Item is a text which informs readers about events of the day. The events are considered newsworthy or important.

Purpose/Social Function 
·      to inform readers, listeners or viewers about events of the day which are  considered newsworthy or important

·      Generic structure :
-       Newsworthy event (recounts the events in summary form)
-       Background event
-       Sources (comments by participant in, witnesses to and authorities expert on the event)

·      Language Features of News Item
-        Focusing on circumstances
-        Using material process
-        Short, telegraphic information about story captured in headline
-        Use action verb

       Contoh Teks News Item dan generic structure

Town ‘Contaminated
Generic Structure
Teks News Item
Newsworthy events
Moscow – A Russian journalist has uncovered evidence of another Soviet nuclear catastrophe, which killed 10 sailors and contaminated an entire town.
Background Events
Yelena Vazrshavskya is the first journalist to speak to people who witnessed the explosion of a nuclear submarine at the naval base of shkotovo – 22 near Vladivostock.
Sumber Informasi

The accident, which occurred13 months before the Chernobyl disaster, spread radioactive fall-out over the base and nearby town, but was covered  up by officials of the Soviet Union. Residents were told the explosion in the reactor of the Victor-class submarine during a refit had been a ‘thermal’ and not a nuclear explosion. And those involved in the clean up operation to remove more than 600 tones of contaminated material were sworn to secrecy.
A board of investigators was later to describe it as the worst accident in the history of the Soviet Navy.

Cara mengajarkan teks News Item
Setelah mencermati beberapa contoh teks News Item ,sekarang  bagaimana cara mengajarkan teks tersebut pada peserta didik  agar  mereka dapat menentukan gambaran umum,  menentukan informasi rinci tersurat, menentukan informasi tersirat, menemukan makna kata, menentukan coherency dan cohesiveness teks tersebut. Salah satu cara berikut ini bisa dijadikan alternatif untuk mengajarkan teks News Item.
·         Siswa dibagi dalam kelompok kemudian diberikan authentic material berupa beberapa potongan teks News Item dari surat kabar berbahasa Inggris.
·         Siswa kemudian membaca teks tersebut dan menganalisa unsur kebahasaan nya dan mencatatnya di buku catatan.
·         Siswa menjawab pertanyaan terkait dengan menentukan gambaran umum , makna kata, menentukan informasi rinci tersurat, menentukan informasi tersirat, dan menentukan coherency dan cohesiveness teks tersebut.
·         Siswa mempresentasikan hasil temuannya dalam kelompok di depan kelas.

Atau mengajarkan News Item dengan menggunkan langkah-langkah 5 M :
1.   Mengamati
Siswa menonton tayangan video tentang reporter yang sedang melaporkan suatu peristiwa
2.   Menanya
§ Siswa bertanya jawab dengan guru tentang isi tayangan video
§ Siswa bertanya jawab dengan guru mengenai bentuk teks News Item, struktur teks, fungsi social dan unsur kebahasaan.
3.   Mengumpulkan Data
§ Melalui internet ( HP ) siswa diminta untuk mencari contoh teks berita ( News Item)
§ Bersama teman sebangku siswa diminta menganalisa tentang fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks tersebut
4.   Mengasosiasi
§ Secara berpasangan siswa membaca beberapa teks News Item dan menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan tentang teks tersebut
§ Secara berkelompok membandingkan beberapa teks News Items dalam bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Indonesia serta menganalisa teks-teks tersebut.
5.   Mengomunikasi
Siswa mempresentasikan hasil diskusinya di depan kelompok lain.

D.   Aktivitas Pembelajaran
Untuk lebih menguasai materi pada kegiatan pembelajaran ini lakukanlah aktivitas sebagai berikut :
1.   Secara berkelompok mulailah kegiatan dengan berdoa dan lanjutkan dengan diskusi terkait materi News Item
2.   Setelah mempelajari teks News Item dan mengerjakan soal latihan, Anda di harapkan mampu merancang suatu desain pembelajaran untuk menyampaikan kepada peserta didik.
3.   Simpulkan hasil diskusi secara mufakat di masing-masing kelompok. Apabila terjadi perbedaan pendapat cobalah untuk mengambil jalan tengah. Anda dapat juga melibatkan narasumber untuk mendapat umpan balik.

E. Latihan /Kasus /Tugas
Latihan 1
Do this exercise individually. Read this text carefully. Then try to complete the blank
with the word / phrase you know.
Police discover 13 petrol bombs in Palu
Newsworthy Event
PALU (Antara): Police searching a …(1). area between two Central Sulawesi villages in Poso have discovered 13 petrol bombs.
Background Event
Dozens of people have been …(2).. in fighting between the two villages in recent weeks. On Dec. 8, dozens were injured and scores of houses were …(3). in fighting, while at least 18 people were wounded in a more recent clash and had to be evacuated to several hospitals in Palu.
"After bombing the area from Sunday night to Monday morning, we found 13 petrol bombs …(4). in water channels and bushes," a police source said here Monday.
He said the …(5). in the area was under control, but that guards had been posted at several points, while the road connecting the villages of Nunu and Tavanjuka remained closed.

destroyed                                injured                         conflict
situation                                   hidden                         condition                            

Latihan 2
Answer the following questions related to the text above.
1.   Where did the event take place?
2.   What is the main information of the text?
3.   How many people were hurt in the fighting on December 8?
4.   How many petrol bombs were found by the police?
5.   Where did the petrol bombs discover?
6.   What the purpose of the text above?
7.   Who is the source of that give the information about the event of the text?
8.   “while at least 18 people were wounded in a more recent clash and had to be evacuated to several hospitals in Palu.”
The underlined word in the sentence above has the closed meaning with …
Latihan 3
Re-arrange the jumble paragraph to an appropriate order.
Thailand sets new SEA Games records in men's and women's sprint relays
( a   ) In the first day of action at the velodrome, Indonesia's Uyun Muzizah edged Thailand's Jutatip Maneephan by four hundredths of a second to claim gold in the women's 500 meter time trial.
( b  ) In other athletics events, Siri Shahida Abdullah of Malaysia defended her women's hammer throw title, Dedeh Erawati of Indonesia won the women's 100-meter hurdles, and Wansawang Sawasdee of Thailand took the men's discus.As he did in the 5,000 meters, Thailand's Boonthung Srisung beat Julius Sermona of the Philippines in the 10,000 meters.
(  c  ) NAKHON RATCHASIMA, Thailand (AP): Thailand set new Southeast Asian Games records in both the men's and women's 4x100 meter relays on the track Monday.
(  d   ) In weightlifting, Indonesia's Sandow Waldemar Nasution - complete with multiple piercing, tattoos and smoking between lifts - won gold in the men's 77-kilogram class with a world-competitive gold in the men's 77-kilogram class with a world-competitive aggregate of 341 kilograms.
(   e  ) The host nation won the men's event in 38.95 - 0.16 faster than the mark it set eight years ago - while the women won gold with a time of 44.00 - three-tenths of a second quicker than its record set at the previous SEA Games two years ago.
(  f  ) Henry Dagmil of the Philippines broke his own games long jump record with his first leap of 7.87 and won gold, while Malaysia's Rayzam Shah Wan Sofian shaved a hundredth of a second off the 110 meters hurdle mark by winning in 13.91.   (Adapted  from:

Latihan 4
Answer the question related to the content of the text.
1.   What is the text about?
2.   Where was the place which the event took place?
3.   Were there some new records created? What kind of sport?
4.   Who won the run race for 10.000 m?
5.   What sport did Sandow W. Nasution participate?
6.   What sport is talked in last paragraph?
7.   Who got gold medals for Indonesia?
8.  What is the communicative purpose of the text?

Latihan 5
1.    Work in group of two.
2.    Find two examples of News Item text (from newspaper, magazine, tabloid, or internet)
3.    Study them well.
4.    Supposed you are a news reader, read it in front of the class.

Latihan 6
Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D !
Text 1
Spanish Thief Saw Himself as Robin Hood-Like Bandit
Madrid (Reuters) - Spain's most wanted thief, "The Loner," saw himself as a Robin Hood-style figure and said he robbed banks only because they stole from the public, his lawyer said Thursday.
Accused of killing three policemen and holding up more than 30 banks, Jaime Jimenez Arbe was planning to move on to insurance companies when he was arrested last month, Spanish media reported, citing lawyer Jose Mariano Trillo-Figueroa.
"I am not a killer and if I was obliged to shoot at officers of the law, it was always against my will and in order to avoid being arrested," Jimenez said in a letter reproduced on the websites of newspapers El Pais and El Mundo.
Trillo-Figueroa said Jimenez, who robbed the banks disguised in a false beard and a wig, thinks of himself as Curro Jimenez, a Spanish 1970s television bandit in the style of Robin Hood.
The Loner was arrested in Portugal, armed with a submachine gun in preparation for another bank robbery-Reuters
1.    What is the text about?
A.    The Loner was arrested in Portugal
B.    The websites of newspaper EI Pais and EI Mundo
C.   Spanish media reporter, Jose Mariano Trillo-Figueroa
D.   A submachine gun in preparation for another bank robbery
2.    Before being arrested, Jaime Jimenez Arbe . . . in Spain
A.    he was obliged to shoot at officers of the law
B.    had just robbed a policeman.
C.   had robbed 30 banks
D.   had robbed insurance companies
3.    The reason why "The Loner" robbed the banks is because . . . .
A.    his lawyer helped him
B.    he was the most wanted thief in Spain
C.   he was accused of killing three policemen
D.   he believed that the banks stole money from the public
4.    "Trilo-Figueroa, said Jimenez, who robbed the banks disguised in a false beard and a wig .... (Paragraph 3)
The underlined word "disguised" means . . . .
A.    changed appearance
B.    reduced confidence
C.   damaged reputation
D.   exposed to view

Text 2
Wade withdraws from U.S. basketball team
(Reuters) - Miami Heat guard Dwyane Wade withdrew his name from the player pool for the U.S. Olympic basketball team on Thursday because his injured left knee will require surgery, USA Basketball said.
After receiving the diagnosis from the Heat team physician, the All-Star guard, who helped Miami win the NBA title in five games over the Oklahoma City Thunder, informed USA Basketball chairman Jerry Colangelo that he was having the surgery soon and would be unable to compete in London.
"As many people may know, throughout the season, I struggled with a recurring knee issue," Wade said in a statement. "After the championship game, I visited with my doctors for a round of comprehensive medical tests, and the recent results dictate the need for surgery. "While every part of me wants to be in London, I need to take this time to do what's best to improve my health and allow me to continue to play the game I love."
Wade was the U.S. team's leading scorer in their run to 2008 Olympic gold in Beijing, scoring a game-high 27 points as the Americans beat Spain 118-107 in the Olympic final.
Despite having his knee drained during the NBA playoffs, Wade averaged over 22 points a game during Miami's championship series triumph over the Thunder.
Wade's exit from the U.S. squad left 17 players in the mix for 12 spots on the Olympic team following injuries that removed several players from consideration, including Derrick Rose of the Chicago Bulls and Dwight Howard of the Orlando Magic.
5. Why can’t Wade play for U.S. basketball team?
A.  He is so old that he can’t play basketball
B.  He is too young to play basketball
C. His injured left knee requires surgery
D. He doesn't want to compete in London

6. Based on the text, Dwyane Wade….

A.    will never play basketball again for the U.S. team

B.    failed to play in Beijing Olympic games

C.   was the leading scorer for the U.S. team in Beijing Olympic games

  1. injured left knee will require surgery

7. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?

A.             Despite having his knee drained during the NBA playoffs

B.             Dwyane Wade visit his doctors for medical test

C.             The doctors suggested Wade recovers his knee by surgery

D.             Dwyane Wade wants to improve his health to continue the game


Text 3

Protecting Sumatra's Forests & Ecosystems

(JP, Jakarta) The Indonesia government and world wild fund (WWF) have announced a bold commitment to protect the remaining forest and critical ecosystem of Sumatra. 
WWF said the historic agreement represented the first-ever island- wide commitment to protect Sumatra’s stunning biodiversity.
The commitment was announced Thursday at the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), world Conversation Congress in Barcelona and was endorsed by the governors of Sumatra’s 10 provinces- the world’s sixth-largest island- and also by four ministers. Sumatra is the only place in the world where tigers, elephants, orangutans and rhinos co-exist. The agreement commits all the governors in Sumatra, along with the Indonesia ministries of forestry, environment, home affairs and public works, to restore critical ecosystems in Sumatra and protect areas whit high conservation values. 
WWF, Conservation International, Fauna and Flora International, Wildlife Conservation Society and other conservation groups working in Sumatra have agreed to help implement the political commitment to protect what remains of the island is species-rich forests and critical areas. The island has lost 48 percent of its natural forest cover since 1985. 
More than 13 percent of Sumatra’s remaining forests are peat forests, which sit a top the deepest peat soil in the world; clearing peat forests is a major source of carbon emissions that cause climate change.
8. The following parties are involved in the commitment to protect Sumatra’s biodiversity, EXCEPT:
A. The Indonesia Conservation Group
B. The minister of forestry
C. The minister of public works
D. The 10 governors of Sumatra
9. The agreement is:
A. to implement the decisions of the World Conservation Congress
B. to support the governors of Sumatra to chase animals hunters
C. to stop the emissions of carbon that cause climate change
D. to protect the forests and ecosystems in Sumatra

Text 4
TOKYO: A Japanese man made his way to a spot about 100 meters (328 ft) above ground on a famous Tokyo landmark on Sunday.  It may have been a reckless attempt to impress a girl.
            Japanese private broadcaster “TV Asahi” showed the footage of a man standing on an iron frame on the exterior of the 333 meters Tokyo Tower and unfurling a banner adorned with a large red heart and words that appeared to be the name of a girl.
            “May be he intended this as a message for someone.  I suspect that is the case since it had a heart on it,” Tokyo police official said.  The man, who claims to be 31, came down from a spot around 100 meters high after being persuaded by the police and was arrested for trespassing, the police official said.  Just how he managed to get up there remains a mystery.
            “It’s not clear how he got in and he began his climb,” the police official said.  A Tokyo Tower official said there was no way to get to where the man had climbed from the inside.

10.The main idea of the first paragraph is …
A.             A Japanese man intended to impress a girl.
B.             The man came down from a 100 meters spot.
C.             A Japanese private TV broadcaster showed footage of a man.
D.             A Japanese man made his way to a spot around 100 meters high.

11.   From the text we can conclude that the man was …
A.             in love with a girl.
B.             frustrated by the official.
C.             trying to commit suicide.
D.             unfurling a banner for advertisement.

12. “It may have been a reckless attempt to impress a girl” (paragraph 1)
                  The similar meaning of the word printed in bold is …
A.    aim
B.    trial
C.   effect
D.   means

F.     Rangkuman
News Item text
   News Item is a text that informs the readers about newsworthy or important events of the day
Social function: to inform readers or listeners about newsworthy or important events of the day

Generic structure:
o   Newsworthy events ( tells the event in a summary form)
o   Background events ( elaborate what happened, tell what caused the incident)
o   Sources ( comments by participants, witnesses, authorities and experts involved in the    event)

Language features:
o   Information on the use of headlines.
o   Use of action verbs
o   Use of saying verbs
o   Use of passive sentences
o   Use of adverbs in passive sentences

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