This study attempts to find out how English speaking proficiency is
developed in the Islamic Boarding School System at Ummul Qurro’ Al-Islami (UQI)
Islamic Boarding School Banyusuci Leuwiliang Bogor West Java. The System of
Islamic Boarding School has existed for hundred years ago and proven its determination
and endurance toward the problems that rose at society. It has been conducive
and effective in establishing students’ character as well. It was regarded as
the oldest institution and the essential education in Indonesia since
last decades.
Nowadays, there are about thirteen thousand Islamic Boarding Schools
in Indonesia .
One of them is UQI which has its own method to develop students’ English
speaking proficiency where the teacher and students live in one system with
some regulations and discipline to obey. By this neighbourhood, it is
easier for the teachers to establish English speaking students’ proficiency.
The study focused on merely how English speaking proficiency is developed and
what students feel about their experience in learning English speaking Proficiency
in the Islamic Boarding School System.
The study employed a descriptive research design, embracing a case
study. The data were obtained from many sources for about three months
(January, February, and March) such as observation in the field and interview
the teachers and the students.
The findings discovered that in spite of some limitations, the development
of speaking proficiency in the Boarding School System at Ummul Qurro Islamic
Boarding School Bogor was relatively helpful. The respondent teachers and
students were taken as purposeful sampling. The respondent students believed
that the development of English speaking proficiency in the Boarding School
System at UQI was conducive and benefit for them, nevertheless they did not
fully satisfied with it as they still got intermediate level.
Based on the findings, this study recommended
that the Boarding School System be applied intensively with strict discipline
to all students and the teachers as well. Moreover, to increase students’ weak motivation,
UQI can apply varied and integrated instructional strategies and resources,
keep school environment open and care, provide students with a wide range of supports,
and create a good communication among students, teachers, and staff. Preferably,
UQI gives the students as much chances as possible to speak with a native
speaker and manage students exchange program with the English spoken countries
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