Minggu, 07 Agustus 2016

Classroom based-expression for K-12

Classroom based-expression for K-12
A.  Cognitive
1.      Tell me the names of animal
2.      Can you count number one till twenty?
3.      Okay honey! Who can sing a song?
4.      Who can tell the story?
5.      Can you write your name?
6.      Show me your work!
7.      Tell me the name of the days!
8.      Describe your hat!
9.      Tell me the names of city!
10.  What will you on your next vacation?
11.  Say Salam (Good Morning/Thank You)
12.  I want you arrange these books!
13.  Attention, every body now please keep silent!
14.  Rearrange these words!
15.  Colour this picture!
16.  Describe your home!
17.  Explain this picture!
18.  Look at the Atlas! Where is Mecca?
19.  Repeat after me!
20.  Every body, read aloud!
21.  Up Your Voices!
22.  Write your father’s name!
23.  Okay, look at me like this, then try!
24.  Can you differentiate between airplane and helicopter?
25.  Shape this picture like this!
B.   Psychomotor
1.      Attention please, every body now sit down sweetly!
2.      Open your book!
3.      Raise your hand!
4.      Shake your body
5.      Nod your head!
6.      Make a circle!
7.      Who can jump like this?
8.      Draw the lines!
9.      Go to the corner!
10.  Clean your class!
11.  Can you manage your chairs?
12.  Put this book on the table!
13.  Push the door!
14.  Stick your picture!
15.  Bend your body!
16.  Come forwards!
17.  Step back!
18.  Lift your bag!
19.  Stand up!
20.  Open your mouth!
21.  Identify the circles, and the square
22.  Move your table!
23.  Put the rubbish in the waste basket!
24.  Clean the white board!
25.  Take off your shoes!
26.  Put on your hat!
C.   Affective
1.      Today, I’m really happy because you have your work well
2.      Are you happy today?
3.      Cheer for our friend!
4.      How do you feel if you are far away from your parents?
5.      Why are you so lonely?
6.      Prove your answers!
7.      Choose your favourite colour!
8.      Show your close friends!
9.      Listen to your friends
10.  Please do not cry!
11.  Do you want your mother accompany you?
12.  Ask your teacher!
13.  Can you help me!
14.  Report your task!
15.  Summarize this story!
16.  Name this thing!

Cognitive: It’s concerned with feeling, emotion, and attitude
Psychomotor: It’s concerned with physical activities.
Affective: It’s concerned with thought competence, knowledge, concept, analysis

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